Monday, October 25, 2010

Easy Acoustic Blues Guitar Lessons

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E7 and A7 Blues Guitar Chords

The E7 and A7 blues guitar chords are formed easily with two fingers. The following diagrams depict both chords using guitar tab and appropriate images showing the placement of the fingers.

E7 Blues Guitar Chord

Acoustic Blues Guitar
Guitar TAB for E7 and A7 Blues Guitar Chords

Acoustic Blues Guitar
A7 Blues Chord

Muting Technique

The Muting technique which gives the blues its' distinctive sound is accomplished by muting the strings with the edge of the palm of the strumming hand. This technique is displayed in the following diagrams.

Acoustic Blues Guitar
The Muting Technique applied near the bridge

Acoustic Blues Guitar
The edge of the palm is used

Extend your Learning

These two simple blues chords (E7 & A7) and muting technique will give any beginner a good head start in learning how to Play Acoustic Blues Guitar. As a beginner you should not be paying for basic guitar lessons; when you want to increase your skill level you need to find yourself a tutor (or online-tutor). For the price of a dozen (12) or so flat whites or for the cost of a nice meal at a good restaurant, you can get an entire year of tuition delivered to your lap top or PC. These lessons will help you to master the basics and will teach you techniques in rock, country and Acoustic Blues Guitar.